Praxa Sense announces international collaboration with Withings and CSEM under granted Eurostars grant

Liselotte StolkArticle

Praxa Sense is proud to announce that it has received a Eurostars grant to support a three-year collaboration with Withings, a leader in connected health devices, and CSEM, a Swiss innovation center. With a total project budget of €2 million, of which approximately €800,000 is funded by EUREKA, this partnership will drive the future of cardiovascular health monitoring.

About the SPECTRA Project
The SPECTRA project aims to combine cutting-edge sensor technology with advanced algorithms to deliver new insights into cardiovascular health with minimal user burden. The project focuses on two key areas:

  1. An innovative remote patient monitoring device with the integrated ALISTM system
  2. Development of a Cardiovascular Risk Index

Shaping the Future of Cardiovascular Health
The outcomes of the SPECTRA project will represent a significant leap forward in remote health monitoring. With these innovations, Praxa Sense aims to revolutionize real-time monitoring of cardiovascular health.

We are deeply grateful to Withings and CSEM for their confidence in the technical potential of the ALIS TM system. Special thanks also to EUREKA for supporting this shared vision of innovation and improved healthcare. 🚀